Our environment

Reducing the carbon footprint

Hambleside Danelaw is committed to reducing the impact of our operations on the environment wherever we can. Our environmental policy, therefore, covers both day-to-day activities, such as warehousing, distribution, sales and administration, in addition to the manufacturing activities carried out in Dalcross and Daventry.


Adhering to the activities prescribed in our environmental policy has resulted in official recognition by independent bodies such as the Green Organisation and the Carbon Trust.

Our carbon footprint, which has been independently reviewed according to life cycle stages and taking into consideration the individual raw materials used in production, was assessed as 263.87tCO2e in 2010.

By following the policy, we have:

  • Introduced recycled material content into many of our products
  • Developed products which reduce their embodied energy element
  • Steadily reduced the amount of our waste which goes to landfill each year
  • Assumed responsibility for recycling our products at the end of their service life
  • Had many products included in the waste and resources action programme (WRAP)
  • Developed and adhered to an environmental policy under the international standard BS EN ISO 14001:2004
  • Developed products which allow a reduced use of aggregates
  • Designed products which can be used as an alternative to those manufactured from environmentally sensitive materials, such as lead
  • Innovated with products which reduce energy consumption and enhance a building’s energy performance certificate (EPC)

View our approved Quality Safety and Environmental Policy Statement



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Hambleside Danelaw Ltd, Long March, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4NR